Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea

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Today I raised a cup of tea and tipped the fight against cancer for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea.

This year we had to celebrate Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea a bit differently and sadly couldn’t hold or attend a public event due to COVID-19.

But we still marked the day with a cuppa and a plate of biscuits.

Every year this event makes a big difference to Australians who have been impacted by cancer and every dollar raised helps fund the Cancer Council’s life-saving research, prevention and support programs.

Although the official date is Thursday, 28th May 2020, you can still host a morning tea anytime and anywhere.

Whether you want to have a virtual morning tea online or a catch up with family, you can still play a vital role in supporting all Australians battling cancer.

To find out how you can host your own Biggest Morning Tea, please visit:

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